Monday, May 13, 2013

I can see the Future and it doesn't look like what I am expecting. I think I am working in the wrong direction.

So somethings have changed since I been here last. First thing first my love life is finally stable. My now fiance and I are solid about our relationship. It makes things a lot easier to move forward in the future. 

SO today I took my #5 to the dermatologist and I was told that our normal provider had left the practice. So me being myself I asked "where did she go and why?" They told me that she is pregnant with her 4th baby, she homeschools her older 3 kiddos and so she and her husband decided that she would stay home. She left her job as a dermatologist to be a stay at home homeschooling mom  of 4. SO I asked, what does her husband do? he is a physical therapist, they said. That was even more admirable to me. Only because I know financially they are gonna take quite the hit but it seems like being a mom was much more important. You just don't see that anymore...

I bet your wondering why do I feel like I am working in the wrong direction. Well I have recently decided to go to school to become an RN. I also am still in the process of fulfilling a calling that I believe God has called me to do. That is midwifery :) It is really in my soul to be a midwife. I think about it everyday. So I decided to go to school to be an RN since at this moment midwifery is illegal in the state in which i live. I am hoping that the first two years of midwifery school and the the classes it takes to get my ADN are very close. Then I should be able to work as a L&D nurse wile I get my higher degrees in both Nursing and Midwifery. As time gets close things will start to look more clearer.

One very important fact is that I have vowed to have children until God sees fit for me too. My fiance and I are ok with adding to our very eclectic bunch of kiddos. We will do nothing to prevent having children at this stage in our life. 

I don't want to have children and then leave them to work. I understand that there are lots of in between places that could prove to help out financially when we have more babies. 

So am I working in the wrong direction? I gonna get all this schooling and degrees only to stay home with my babies?? 

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